..And a great time was had by all!
It was a very successful Mini Maker Faire – held at the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa on the holiday weekend – Aug 31/Sept 1, 2013.

STEM design labs booth – Mini Maker Faire, Ottawa, 2013
We met with lots of great people with a huge range of interests – from 3D printing and scanning to electronics, textiles, dramatic prosthetic’s, Internet of Things, Making in Education, Engineering prototyping, etc., etc. It was wonderful to see such a diverse range of interests as well as meet and talk with some very talented young makers and inquiring minds!
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A big thank you to my daughter Nadege and her friend for ‘Tini’ for helping with the booth! Still didn’t get lunch either day though – very busy from opening ’til close.
Also a big thank you to everyone that submitted their interests for the fall and winter Maker courses. The winners of the Arduino inventors kit and Raspberry Pi will be announced at the end of the week.
To all of the people that I talked to about various projects – I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get your contact details so please do follow-up via email or call me if you have my card.
Thanks also to the organizers at Artengine and the sponsors who made it all happen. I’m sure this was the biggest and most successful event in Ottawa to-date and I hope the partnership with the Science and Tech museum continues. I think the synergy was obvious – we must do it again next year!